Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Boudoir Shoot" with Cardens Photography

Amazing. Simply amazing. The shoot was fun, creative, and definitely worth the drive through the country to do. They definitely own gorgeous land and house!, have amazing skills, and have a very cute daughter who likes to hand me pretty little flowers as props- and drew me a cute kitty! (Apparently a gift to those who she likes! Win on my part!). I already was tagged in a few photos and was informed the rest of the photos will be up on Facebook before the weeks out. I think I am in love! Well, definitely in love with their work, professionalism, and their personalities! I definitely want to work with them again!

I don't have photos in hand other than the ones I was tagged in but the moment I do I will put them up. And when you see the word Boudoir don't just think lingerie. It's a little more then just that. And in my chosen wardrobe I proved that. I used an old fashioned peasant dress which would normally be worn beneath a dress and a lacy dress that reminded me of classy and sensible inside or outside wear. And yes, the peasant dress can be considered lingerie many many years ago. You'll see. Or you can just look it up. Either way, It's late and I am definitely hitting my bed up for some needed sleep!