Sunday, June 10, 2012

Life Update! Baby Boy is here!

Alrighty! I am no longer pregnant as of May 26th! My little Prince Charming is here! He's absolutely adorable and everyone seems to think he looks just like me! :) His sister absolutely loves him. Now, I was told to watch out for my little soon to be two year old to be jealous but she gives him kisses, hugs, and is always wanting to lay next to him and even tries to feed him (not that I allow that, lol). But yeah. I'll be doing a makeup tribute to my little man. I was suppose to do it this weekend but some things came up and it became a weekend of running around! But it will be here soon! I'm sorry I didn't post more specifics on my little prince but due to personal conflicts I am only giving out his date of birth. Thank you all for understanding and please keep a look out for the next blog!